Investing in Yourself
It can be really scary to start investing in yourself, especially when you are still fighting to deprogram a scarcity mindset, but I have found that the saying "high risk, high reward" can apply well in these situations. The investments I've made in myself that I've gotten the most out of have come from the ones that have scared me most with their price tags. It has been said by many, and after my own first-hand experience I strongly agree, that when you spend a large amount of money investing in yourself, you take that investment much more seriously. I am writing about this now because I just made another one of those big investments.
Two years ago, amidst the early days of the pandemic, I decided to invest in myself by signing on with a life coach, whom I still work with to this day. It was scary at first to think about and commit to spending more than my car payment each month on a coach, but I felt this deep call from my soul to do it. So I pushed through the fears my deeply rooted scarcity mindset brought to the surface, and I did it! There were months when I wasn't sure how I was going to find the money to pay for it, but I always found a way, and when my situation changed, I was able to communicate that change and we were able to find a different arrangement that still challenges me, but also works within my current budget.
The practice of this investment in myself through coaching for the past two years, coupled with the amount of work I've done to deprogram my scarcity mindset and reprogram an abundance mindset, have gotten me to this very point. The point where I pushed through the fear and occasionally resurfacing scarcity mindset, to invest in a brand new MacBook Pro. Earlier this week, I started thinking about getting a MacBook again, as it's something I've been wanting for some time now, so I decided to see if I qualified for the Apple Card. The last time I applied, over six months ago, I was denied, but I felt like seeing what would happen, so I applied again. I was elated to find that I was APPROVED! AND it was just enough to cover the cost of a MacBook Pro! I spent the entire week researching the different options, and getting opinions from Facebook friends and my tech wizard friends, which all helped to confirm the specific model that I wanted. When I arrived at the Apple store yesterday morning, the exact model I wanted, was the only one they had in stock for me to walk out with that same day, CONFIRMATION!
I should say, before I even applied for the Apple Card this time around, I was vibing high! I had just started working on a different manifestation the day before. I deeply connected to it, I felt what it would feel like to have it, I spoke about it as if it were already a fact, and then I released it to the universe and let go. Not too long after I was approved for the Apple Card, I received word that my manifestation from the day before had come to fruition! MORE CONFIRMATION!
This whole experience showed me so much, about alignment, letting go, and trusting the universe, but most importantly, making big investments in myself! Right now, my "need" for this investment is low, but I feel more inspired now that I have it. I mean, I sat down and wrote this post on it on the first day of having it because it just feels so great to finally have tools that work! My laptop before this was from 2010 and was barely functioning. I had an iPad Pro with the keyboard add-on that I used as an interim workaround, but that could only do so much.
THEN, this morning, I woke up to see that my state tax return had hit my bank account... MORE CONFIRMATION! I truly believe that all of these instances that happened this week were all coming to show me that I AM ABUNDANT! I AM WORTHY! I celebrate these moments because this is how I can tell that I made the right investments and choices, and also that my manifestations have been delivered to me. A combination of seeing angel numbers, having things flow seamlessly and having money come in after some money has gone out. These all help me to see that I need to keep going on this path.
I hope this inspires you to make big investments in yourself! I hope you feel called to take big leaps of faith to move forward toward your dreams and goals! If you're already taking leaps of faith toward your goals, you're investing in yourself in a big way, and your manifestations are coming through, I hope you are CELEBRATING them in the BIG way that they deserve! And if you're having trouble finding that confidence or ability to push through the fear, I hope you will reach out to me, and I can help you find that confidence and strength for yourself!